the car that i remember being in during some of these bvacations/b was a volvo station wagon. there was plenty of room for us all, our suitcases and tent equipment. there was even a rack on top of the volvo to secure some of the suitcases. ...
Échale un ojo a esto: y verás como no es tan buena opción como puede parecer? Saludos. 19 - Iván: 7 de Marzo de 2007 12:01. Soy consciente de ello y nunca he tanido ...
'Yo sólo quiero caminar', contemporary dance performance by Madrépora Danza-Alberto Huetos, in the exhibtion space of sculptor José Seguiri and painter Marco Ayres (20.00 EUR). - 21 :30 Buffet dinner (25.00 EUR). November 8, 2008 ...